Signs my ex boyfriend still has feelings for me | he wants you back but is scared

Never, and I repeat, NEVER fall into the trap of drunk texting and calling.

Your ex may do these to trap you so that they know whether he still stands a chance with you.

Do not respond to his inquiries of whether you still love them blah blah blah. He probably does not have the guts to face you when sober, hence takes advantage of being drunk to get information from you. You should aim to give him a very short response, like telling him to talk later when he is in a more stable condition.

Move on with your life. Seriously.

In as much as you may want your ex back so bad, you need to better your life as well.

Improve your life so that by the time he is coming back, he finds a better version of yourself. Put into action the no-contact rule to increase your chances of getting back together. Take care of yourself. Read books, go out with your friends, call your aunt you haven’t seen since childhood… just do something.

This is the time to do some of the things you hardly had time to do when dating your ex. Find new hobbies and enjoy every moment of your life. Your ex will be glad to meet a new you in no time!

Give him space. Give him the time to miss you.

The most important thing you should remember to do is to give your ex some space.

Give him time to get over the negative emotions before contacting him. Give him the time to miss you.

Most of all let him be the one to contact you because you might do so either before he may have cooled down or you may take too long to reach out to him. No words you say to him will heal him at the onset of the breakup. All he needs is time because surely, time does heal!

Follow the no-contact rule strictly

It might seem impossible, but it is possible to completely avoid your ex during the no-contact period.

The rule limits your communication with your ex for a certain amount of time so that in the end, it is easier to tell where your relationship is headed. Your ex will probably try to reach you during this time because he may not know that you are applying the rule. He may as well contact you because he misses you.

Do not fall into the temptation of contacting him back, you should strictly avoid communication for better results. Otherwise, you may have wasted time trying to avoid your ex, only to act desperate eventually.

Chill. Stay calm. Breathe.

Your ex may develop some weird behavior following your breakup.

He may become toxic altogether. All you need to do during this time is to stay calm. Avoid him whenever possible. Stay away from the negative energy with which he might try to sully your integrity.

Be a woman with class. Do not act desperate at any occasion. Do not respond to their cold messages.

One important tip is to react to them as they act towards you. When they act cold, do the same. Do not be the nagging ex that complains every time he does not text or call.

Final thoughts

In the case that your man still shows some feelings for you and you want him back, go for it. Grab the opportunity.

On the other hand, however, breaking up with someone is not the end of the world. Just as Drake says, it is only the end of a world. If you realize that your ex has completely gotten over you, get over him as well. He was only a tiny bit of your world, not the whole of it.

But if you really want your ex to COMMIT this time or you just never want to go through such situation again, you should understand this:

There is a missing link in nearly every relationship.

Is it sex? Communication? Romantic Dates?

All these things are important, but a breakthrough new video reveals the surprising factor that can make ALL the difference in a relationship and few, if any women are even aware of it!

The key is understanding men on a deep EMOTIONAL level and understanding, how the subtle things you do or say to a man affect him much more than you think.

If you’re frustrated with your man going cold, losing interest, or pulling away, then this video is a must-watch:

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